The following items are available for purchase. They were derived from and are integral parts of the Scientific Injection Molding Strategies for world class molding. They are concise procedures that have provided clients significant savings.  Full refund if not satisfied.  

Item with Description Cost in US $
On-Site Seminars, 3 or 4 days with at-the-press training; IR, cavity, process monitoring equipment, as well as a special training mold available. Glass mold videos that will shake you to your processing core. Minimum charge may apply. Call or Email for quote
Qualifying test for molding proficiency. An objective tool to benchmark your processors. Targeted for current, new or potential processors; 10 pages. Price is for 1 test, and duplication is not allowed. Quantity discounts possible.

Test only $25.00

Graded $55.00

Troubleshooting Guide SPECIFIC for Scientific Molding $170.00
Procedure for Developing a Viscosity Curve (On Machine Rheology); this helps to optimize filling the mold; 5 pages $155.00

Viscosity Curve Spreadsheet Calculation and Graphing, (On-Machine Rheology) works with Microsoft Excel; this automatically calculates and plots the viscosity curve. Also includes automatic calculation and graphing of:

Velocity Linearity

Gate Seal Plot

Injection Linearity

Pressure Loss Bar Charts

Reynolds Number

Delta P

Percent to Hydraulic PSI calculations

Site license fee


Procedure for Optimizing Cycles, helps establish the best cycle and includes the elements of a Universal Setup sheet; 3 pages


Velocity Control in Injection Molding; How do you set 1st stage pressure


Procedure for Determining Gate Seal: helps establish gate seal time and proper setting of 2nd stage time and pressures; 2 pages

Nozzle tip insulator; Stops use of cardboard, can eliminate cold slugs and stringing. Do not use for hot runner molds. Possible to reuse. 1.25 inch/31.25 mm square $1.75 each
Injection Molding Machine Checklist, helps you specify the molding machine you need; 3 pages $250.00
Universal Setup Sheet; Spreadsheet software that allows a process to be transferred from one machine to another, hydraulic or electric. Site license fee. $1,495.00
Profit Improvement Calculating Spreadsheet  Free

To place an order, send PO # via mail, fax or email to:

Injection Molding Solutions (d.b.a.)
1019 Balfour St.
Midland, MI 48640-3227

Phone: 989-832-2424

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Injection Molding Solutions and John W. Bozzelli believe the information and recommendations within these aids and software are accurate and reliable as of January 2025. However, since proper use and conditions of use are not within their control, there is no warranty or liability assumed, expressed or implied and no guarantee provided. If unsatisfied with the product, please call or write for a full refund.