Scientific Molding
Scientific Injection
Many banter the term but few truly practice this technology. Applies to Old or New Molds, Medical, and Critical Tolerance parts, on Electric or Hydraulic machines.
Includes at the press training
Process Development/Optimization via
Scientific Molding Seminars 2025
February 25 - 27
March 25 - 27
April 22 - 24
May 13 - 15
Aug 19 - 21
Sept 23 - 25
Oct 21 - 23
Nov 11 -13
Get it right 1st time for 24/7 Production
New Molds, Medical, Critical Tolerances
Process Monitoring!
Where: Midland, MI
Video Training Available
Register /Questions:
Cost: $1,775 Prepaid/$1,850 after seminar
"On average for jobs transferred into our shop we cut cycles by over 30%, some near 50%, using John's teachings." - THA Site Manager
"I took your course 20 years ago and it was the most useful investment I have ever made" C.J.
I've attended several IM courses and yours are the most practical and useful." - D.R., H Corp. Processor
"This is the best bang for the buck class." - M.R., GCP Corp . Production Mgr
"If injection molding is your profession, Bozzelli's course is a must attend!" - WK Processor
"You are molding blind without this course." -TG Engineer
Walking in thinking I knew a lot about molding...left knowing I had much to learn." - BP
"Impressive on all levels. The most informative class that I have attended to date. Too much information for 3 days." - Michael H.
"Like taking a drinking from a fire hose; fast paced and tremendously useful." - Steven Hutchinson
"Again, I thank you for your help and advice, and I know that the expansion of our molding operation has been made possible because of the implementation of the practices learned in your Scientific Injection Molding Seminar." - Ron Beaver
"Your technique (Scientific Molding) also works on LSR (Liquid Silicone Molding). One of my customers had a 40% reject rate in an LSR application. After one hour, utilizing your technique I reduced the waste to under 5%." - Anthony J. DiBattista, AC
"It gets better the second time around." - Eddy Soto, Ki Industries
"I've been molding parts for 13 years. This is the first time I have really understood what I am doing with the plastic. I would recommend this course for beginners to seasoned veterans, Engineers to Processors." - Joe Mitchell Bullard
"...the Deming of our time" - Robert Shaw of K T & M Corp.
"Best kept secret in the plastics industry!" - Mike Godlove
"Before this course, I felt comfortable with our processes. Although humbled, I can honestly say that I didn't know what the hell I was doing. It was a significant emotional experience!" - Doug Oberlander, Syndicate Sales Inc.
"Bozzelli & Klees seminar was packed with so much relevant information, it couldn't possibly be absorbed during one visit. It was so much fun, they should open a resort - 'Molding Land." - John Robison, Supplier Quality Engineer
"Without question the best advanced injection molding seminar I have had!" - Mike VanHout
"The cost of this course will pay for itself 100 fold if the principles learned are implemented." - Bill Thornton MN
"Since our last conversation we have optimized 3 tools that have been a pain in the tail since the beginning. After optimization (via Scientific Molding), we are averaging 30% cycle improvement and zero defects. One of the parts took 18 days a month to meet demand; now it only takes 9 days, a 55% improvement. We just identified the problems one at a time and corrected them." - Richard T Processor/Engineer
"I was at a point in my career where I was trying to dig deep and learn the science behind optimizing injection molding process parameters. I just happened to hear a talk by John at a local SPE conference and I immediately knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my career. John's passion for processing is contagious. If you have not been to a Bozzelli class or conference, GET TO ONE. You will not regret it. Thanks, John." - Brett L. Engineer